# Windows

The v-window component provides the baseline functionality for transitioning content from 1 pane to another. Other components such as v-tabs, v-carousel and v-stepper utilize this component at their core.

# Usage

Designed to easily cycle through content, v-window provides a simple interface to create truly custom implementations.


# Examples

Designed to easily cycle through content, v-window provides a simple interface to create truly custom implementations.

# Props

# Reverse

Reverse v-window always displays reverse transition.

# Vertical

v-window can be vertical. Vertical windows have Y axis transition instead of X axis transition.

# Customized arrows

Arrows can be customized by using prev and next slots.

# Misc

# Account creation

Create rich forms with smooth animations. v-window automatically tracks the current selection index to automatically change the transition direction. This can be manually controlled with the reverse prop.

# Onboarding

v-window makes it easy to create custom components such as a different styled stepper.

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Last updated:07/06/2020, 1:12:04 PM