# Timelines

The v-timeline is useful for stylistically displaying chronological information.

# Usage

v-timeline's in their simplest form display a vertical timeline that should contain at least one v-timeline-item.


# Examples

# Props

# Color

Colored dots create visual breakpoints that make your timelines easier to read.

# Dense

dense timelines position all content to the right. In this example, v-alert replaces the card to provide a different design.

# Icon dots

Conditionally use icons within the v-timeline-item's dot to provide additional context.

# Reverse

You can reverse the direction of the timeline items by using the reverse prop. This works both in default and dense mode.

# Small

The small prop allows alternate styles to provide a unique design.

# Slots

# Icon

Insert avatars into dots with use of the icon slot and v-avatar.

# Opposite

The opposite slot provides an additional layer of customization within your timelines.

# Timeline item default

If you place a v-card inside of a v-timeline-item, a caret will appear on the side of the card.

# Misc

# Advanced

Modular components allow you to create highly customized solutions that just work.

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Last updated:07/06/2020, 1:12:04 PM