# Overlays

The v-overlay component is used to provide emphasis on a particular element or parts of it. It signals to the user of a state change within the application and can be used for creating loaders, dialogs and more.

# Usage

In its simplest form, the v-overlay component will add a dimmed layer over your application.


# Examples

# Props

# Absolute

absolute overlays are positioned absolutely and contained inside of their parent element.

# Opacity

opacity allows you to customize the transparency of v-overlay components.

# Z index

z-index gives you the ability to easily change the stack order of the v-overlay component.

# Misc

# Advanced

Using the v-hover, we are able to add a nice scrim over the information card with additional actions the user can take.

# Loader

Using the v-overlay as a background, add a progress component to easily create a custom loader.

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Last updated:07/06/2020, 8:21:15 AM