# List item groups

The v-list-item-group provides the ability to create a group of selectable v-list-items. The v-list-item-group component utilizes v-item-group at its core to provide a clean interface for interactive lists.

# Usage

By default, the v-list-item-group operates similarly to v-item-group. If a value is not provided, the group will provide a default based upon its index.


# Examples

# Props

# Active class

You can set a class which will be added when an item is selected.

# Mandatory

At least one item must be selected.

# Multiple

You can select multiple items at one time.

# Misc

# Flat list

You can easily disable the default highlighting of selected v-list-items. This creates a lower profile for a user’s choices.

# Selection controls

Using the default slot, you can access an items internal state and toggle it. Since the active property is a boolean, we use the true-value prop on the checkbox to link its state to the v-list-item.

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Last updated:07/06/2020, 1:10:21 PM