# Calendars

The v-calendar component is used to display information in a daily, weekly, monthly, or category view. The daily view has slots for all day or timed elements, and the weekly and monthly view has a slot for each day. The category view has a slot for each category in the day and timed sections based on the categories given or the categories in the given events. Optionally you can pass in an array of events and they will be rendered over the appropriate days and times.

# Usage

A calendar has a type and a value which determines what type of calendar is shown over what span of time. This shows the bare minimum configuration, an array of events with name, start and end properties. end is optional, it defaults to the start. If the start has a time it’s considered a timed event and will be shown accordingly in the day views. An event can span multiple days and will be rendered accordingly.


# Examples

# Props

# Type category

This is an example of an event calendar with a type of category that allows you to compare two schedules side-by-side.

# Type day

This is an example of calendar with content in each interval slot and a type of day.

# Type week

This is an example of an event calendar with all-day and timed events with a type of week.

# Events

# Click

This is an example of a planner with additional event handlers and external components controlling the display of the calendar.

# Slots

# Day

Slots allow you to define the content for each day, time interval for the daily views, and various labels.

# Day body

Using the day-body slot you can customize the calendar content for the day. In this example we added a line for the current time.

# Misc

# Drag and drop

This is an example of an event calendar where you can drag events, extend their length, and create events.

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Last updated:07/06/2020, 2:00:24 PM