# Badges

The v-badge component superscripts or subscripts an avatar-like icon or text onto content to highlight information to a user or to just draw attention to a specific element. Content within the badge usually contains numbers or icons.

# Usage

Badges in their simplest form display to the upper right of the content that it wraps and requires the badge slot.


# Examples

# Misc

# Customization options

The v-badge component is flexible and can be used in a variety of use-cases over numerous elements. Options to tweak the location are also available through the offset-x and offset-y props."

# Dynamic notifications

You can incorporate badges with dynamic content to make things such as a notification system.

# Show on hover

You can do many things with visibility control, for example, show badge on hover.

# Tabs

Badges help convey information to the user in a variety of ways.

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Last updated:06/30/2020, 9:14:03 AM