# Avatars

The v-avatar component is typically used to display circular user profile pictures. This component will allow you to dynamically size and add a border radius of responsive images, icons, and text. A tile variation is available for displaying an avatar without border radius.

# Usage

Avatars in their simplest form display content within a circular container.


# Props

# Size

The size prop allows you to define the height and width of v-avatar. This prop scales both evenly with an aspect ratio of 1. height and width props will override this prop.

# Tile

The tile prop removes the border radius from v-avatar leaving you with a simple square avatar.

# Slots

# Default

The v-avatar default slot will accept the v-icon component, an image, or text. Mix and match these with other props to create something unique.

# Misc

# Advanced usage

Combining an avatar with other components allows you to build beautiful user interfaces right out of the box.

Another example combining avatar with menu.

# Profile Card

Using the tile prop, we can create a sleek hard-lined profile card.

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Last updated:07/02/2020, 9:14:54 AM